Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tone and Color

Tone: There is tone in this poster because there are a lot of gradations in the sky. It goes from darkest on the top of the poster to lightest on the bottom of the poster and then it gets somewhat darker again on the bottom. There is light near the middle of the poster to bring out the significant figure on the poster. The character is highlighted in this poster because it is lighted against a more dark background.

Tone and Direction: Because there is gradation on this poster, tone is able to interact with direction. The gradation causes the viewer to look from top to bottom and also from bottom to top because of the gradation. The viewer will also probably focus more to the right because of the figure that is reflecting a lot of light tones.

Color: There are a lot of colors used in this poster. Although most are gradations, there are two main hues in this poster. A dark blue dominates the poster in color while red acts as an accent. The viewer will most likely look at the red colors on the poster more than the blue because it stands out in the poster against the dull blue. Since color has a strong affinity to emotions, this poster full of dark blue makes the viewer feel gloomy.

Color and Shape: Color interacts with shape in this poster because of the figure on the right side of the poster. The figure has many complicated shapes which also has many different colors, giving the viewer perspective and depth on the figure. Also, there is a red circle highlighting the E, a part of the name of the movie being promoted, in the poster.

Image Source: http://mystudio87.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/

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