Thursday, October 29, 2009

Movement and Motion (Option 2)

This information design poster is an example of navigating through space because the user has to search the map for information that they need. Most likely, the user will first focus on one point of the map such as the bottom left corner where there is a key to the symbols on the map. After navigating through the information there, the user will pick the color or symbol they must locate on the entire map. For instance, if the user needed the Central line, they would first locate which color represented the line. The Central line is red, so the user will navigate through the entire red line on the map until they find the station they are looking for. One of the problems the designer had to confront was probably how to organize the complex information on the map so that the user can navigate through it smoothly to find exactly what they need. The designer had to make the map user friendly so navigating through the information will not be frustrating for the user.

Another example of navigating through space is in a website. This website incorporates Flash animation which helps to show the user movement on a flat surface through motion. On the home page, the user has four main paths to choose to navigate: Credit, Work, About, and Contact. The user can click on one of the buildings to choose the path they want such as Work. A rectangle box with more information will appear in front of the screen with many more navigation options such as Client List and Identity. At any point in time, the user can go backwards or go back to the home page so they are free to navigate the space that is the website. One of the problems the designer confronted while designing this website is probably to make the movements flow so that the user will not get lost in the flat space. It is easy to get lost in a website with no motion, so making a website with Flash helps to alleviate that issue.


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